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Celebrities Raise Awareness of Joplin's Tornado (ContributorNetwork)

The tornado that ripped Joplin, Mo., to shreds made headlines all over the world. Aid has rushed to the city of 50,000 people, and the response has been overwhelming, reports Missouri's Columbia Tribune. Even celebrities have weighed in to bring awareness to the plight of Joplin and the help residents need immediately.

Here are some thoughts and feelings from well-known people in the United States who have helped make the world aware of Joplin's needs in the aftermath of the terrible storm.

"It's good to remember that in crises, natural crises, human beings forget for awhile their ignorances, their biases, their prejudices. For a little while, neighbors help neighbors and strangers help strangers. It's amazing that it takes something like that to bring out the best of us. The news of Joplin is filled with stories of heroic deeds."

-- Maya Angelou, poet and author. Angelou is originally from Missouri. She was interviewed by CNN three days after the tornado leveled much of Joplin.

"Please pray for the victims & assist however you can as Joplin, MO is devastated by violent tornado's direct hit."

-- Former governor of Alaska Sarah Palin on her Twitter account. She delivered the news the same night the tornado struck, May 22, 2011.

"My heart goes out to those whose lives have been affected by the devastation caused by the tornado in Joplin. You are in my heart & prayers."

-- Singer and songwriter Sheryl Crow. She was born and raised in Kennett, a small town in the bootheel area of Missouri. That part of the state was affected by severe flooding in early May.

"Just heard about the devastation in Missouri. My heart goes out to everyone there and their families. My prayers are with you."

-- Justin Bieber, teen pop star sensation. He posted his thoughts to his Twitter account May 23, the day after the storm.

"I'm watching the news from Joplin and I'm shocked. I feel so helpless, I can only imagine how they feel. I'm sending all the love I can."

-- Ellen DeGeneres, talk show host, with her take on the devastation. She posted this quote to her Twitter account.

"City officials in Joplin, Mo., have lowered the number of people killed by last weekend's massive tornado to 139."

-- Al Roker, celebrity weatherman. He was in Joplin a few days after the storm hit and has kept up-to-date ever since the tragedy.

Thanks in part to the concern and thoughts of celebrities, everyone in Joplin is getting help they need when they need it. Now the healing can begin.

William Browning, a lifelong Missouri resident, writes about local and state issues for the Yahoo! Contributor Network. Born in St. Louis, Browning earned his bachelor's degree in English from the University of Missouri. He currently resides in Branson.

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