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Controlled flooding plan worries Manitoba rural official

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May 11, 2011 ARCHIVES  |  Weather  |  NEWS

Vittorio Hernandez - AHN News

Portage la Prairie, Manitoba, Canada (AHN) - A municipal official of the town of Portage la Prairie in the Canadian province of Manitoba is worried over the controlled flooding plan by the government to prevent more water from inundating the area.

Kam Blight, an elected county chief executive of Portage, expressed concerns over the controlled flood plan is on the lack of assurance that the water will flow to where officials want it to move.

This would mean the sacrifice of land, homes and businesses of about 150 families and 225 square kilometers (140 square miles) to save another 850 houses and 500 sq. km. (310.7 sq. m.) from further inundation, Blight said on Tuesday.

The plan would involve creating an outlet in the Assiniboine River near Portage la Prairie to relieve some of the pressure from the river, which continues to rise. A 65-meter (213.2-feet) wide hole will be made at the stretch of highway called Hoop and Holler Bend.

The hole will allow water at the rate of 2,000 to 6,000 cubic feet per second to move across a muddy market-garden plot, over a gravel road and to the front of a residence owned by Sandor Arendse, an onion farmer. After the release of the water, workers will place limestone and river stone at the hole to prevent the river from creating a larger spillway.

The continuous rise of the river had leader town officials in the flood-hit province to declare states of emergency in their area. Ottawa deployed soldiers to help local authorities cope with the swelling of the Assiniboine River.

Copyright 2011 by (AHN)
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