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Statement from Dr. Kathryn Sullivan on confirmation of Dr. Mark Schaefer as assistant secretary of commerce for oceans and atmosphere

August 2, 2013

Today, Dr. Kathryn Sullivan, acting under secretary of commerce for oceans and atmosphere and acting NOAA administrator, issued the following statement following the confirmation of Dr. Mark Schaefer as NOAA’s assistant secretary for conservation and management. Due to an administrative oversight, Dr. Schaefer was actually confirmed under this position’s former title, Assistant Secretary of Oceans and Atmosphere.

In this role, he will be responsible for driving NOAA’s policies and programs in areas ranging from enabling marine transportation to managing our nation’s fisheries and protecting and preserving coastal resources.

Statement by Dr. Kathryn Sullivan

“I want to congratulate Mark on his confirmation and welcome him to our team. For more than 30 years, Mark has worked at the intersection of science and policy, both in the private and public sectors. During this time, he has strived to foster scientific and technological innovation to effectively manage and conserve our nation’s natural resources.

“Day in and day out, NOAA strives to understand our planet – from the surface of the sun to the depths of the ocean floor. Mark will be an integral part of this overall mission and will provide valuable expertise and insight as we work to make our coastlines more resilient, end overfishing and rebuild fisheries from coast to coast, and restore ocean and coastal habitats.”

Dr. Kathryn Sullivan
Acting Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere
and Acting NOAA Administrator

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