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American Sunscapes: Destin, Fla.

"A glow outside our condo in Destin, Fla., coaxed me outside onto the balcony," says Susan Stanley, the photographer. "The glorious sunset made it look as though the sky and the ocean were on fire!"

Send us your favorite American Sunscapes photo from your area or vacation spot. We'll select the best to appear in American Sunscapes. We will notify you if yours has been picked.

A few guidelines:

1. Please submit only one photo.

2. It should be recent (this year) and it must be your original work on which you control all the rights.

3. Include a sentence or two of description about where the photo was taken.

4. Don't forget to send us your name, so we can give you a photo credit. Include your e-mail address and/or phone number (which we will NOT publish) in case we have any questions.

5. E-mail the photo (with the word 'sunset' in the subject line) to

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